Practical Boating aims at reducing drama at sea and would have the following objectives:
to provide regular, informal and fun-filled boating events at LBYC in addition to racing and cruising;
to practice skills relevant to maritime safety and health, and the marine environment;
to add practical experience to existing boating skill courses (such as by Coast Guard, Yachting NZ or institutions under Maritime NZ).
Practical Boating will be organised as follows:
Events will be self-organised by the group or a nominated Organising Team;
events will be prepared by volunteer Event Facilitators;
the events will be held at 1.00 pm every first and third Tuesday or Saturday every month, and other times, if and when required;
people will meet at the LBYC Clubhouse, on the water or any other suitable venue ;
a typical format would be ½-hour briefing, 2-hour water practice and 1-hour debriefing; (note: sail- or trailer-boats may need additional time, say half an hour, to get ready, and probably half an hour to get back into the trailer park or to put sails away);
the Club may be open for drinks afterwards, if someone with a bar license was available; one or more people could get trained up for this duty;
the primary focus is on practical experience on the water, weather permitting, or otherwise be turned into indoor exercises or boating related fun events;
communications about events and supporting information will be by electronic means, including emails to registered participants and through “What’s On”;
boat owners, crew or friends register their interest online or by email at PracticalBoating@lbyc.org.nz ;
the programme will be published on LBYC and Seaview Marina channels;
the events will generally have a combination of technical, educational and fun elements (e.g. small competitions, quizzes, social aspects including tea, coffee & biscuits, and drinks if someone is at the bar; toys and child-friendly food and drinks will also be available);
the Event Facilitator would get a mention in Club records and a small present, e.g. a bottle of wine.
funding will be by donation;
the events provide practical experience to topics recommended by Maritime NZ, Yachting NZ, Coastguard, LBYC and Seaview Marina such as:
Launch of Series and Solstice Sun Sight Sextant practice (Guenter, 23.6.2020), √
Knots, Ropes, Boat Management 1 (Brent & Guenter, 7.7.2020) √
Berthing, Environmental Action Plan 1 (Guenter, 21.7.2020)
Anchoring (Keith Murray, Saturday, 25.7.2020)
Plastic Free July Cleanup (Guenter, 28.7.2020)
Cruising Plan for the new financial year (4.8.2020)
Shared Food and Cooking on Board for parties and events (Saturday 15.8.2020)
Boat management and maintenance (2) – a multi event series for mutual help
Navigation and Instruments
Radio Practice
Heavy weather boating and sailing
Safety Rules and Equipment
Voyage Planning and Preparation
Climbing up Masts
Motor Operation and Management
Emergency Steering
Night Sailing
Operating a life raft
Distress Signals
Marina and Harbour Rules
Equipment, material and service procurement
Single-handed sailing
Celestial Navigation
Tours to Harbours, Nautical, Environmental and Cultural Places
Cruising Events
As required, priorities will be amended along the seasons, availability of Event Facilitators and other circumstances.
Events could be repeated or expanded either on Tuesdays or Saturdays.
An integrated or separate series could deal with environmental boating topics, such as:
waste management and hygiene;
litter removal from Harbour;
monitoring of water and soil quality;
spills of oil, environmental safety;
anti-fouling, paints, local rules about coastal and seabed protection;
birds and sea life, fish, sea floor, reefs;
clean-ups of moorings and other harbour features.
Practical Boating Organising Team
Email: PracticalBoating@lbyc.org.nz
Initial contact person: Guenter Wabnitz (021) 616255.